These words are solely meant to honor those gentle spirits and kind souls who wandered into Sadhana Yoga's,persuing their voyage and their hearts to become a more conscious being.Outspoken appreciation goes to all who filled the air with laughter and the day with joy.
My particular gratitude and affection belongs to ...
Mr.Amar Puri,principle teacher and founder of the retreat centre,for putting the door ajar that had been closed for too long,his wife Durga-the domestic deity-for the (en)chanting involvement with her guests.To Soba&Soenita,for serving the sences and soothing the stomach.To their assisent Mr.Rosham Kc,21,who proved that wisdom and wit have no age.
To Anja Christina Perl(a highly appropriate name!)for being a friend,animator and barber,for granting me a glimps into an unfamiliar world and for the mature conversations combined with her disarming charme.Pearl Productions,Go!
To Peter Roche,a.k.a. lovey dovey Dino St.John,for the male bonding and for being an excellent roommate with occasional tunnel-vision.
To Lucy-in-the-sky-with-diamonds Chan for pronouncing unquestionably the most eloquent Oxford-English in the western hemisphere.
To Robert Hallstrand and Sofie Hedberg for the inspirational act of self-deprivation and considerations on the low-cholesterol path to enlightenment.
To the vagrant rock for revealing its concealed chess-board.
To author Ron Leifer for the compelling literature and new insight.

But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads.(Albert Camus)
Yo Bart, I plan to visit Patan, Durbar Sq & Swayamb...(the monkey temple) 2moro, still staying at Tibet Peace GH. What's your status?